Meet the Trainers
Kirk Brocklebank
Founder/Co-Owner/Qualified Personal Trainer
Kirk has over 10 years of experience in the fitness industry. Since launching Brock Personal Training in 2017 and rebranding it to Brock Fitness in 2021, he has helped hundreds of clients achieve incredible results.
Growing up with a big sporting background, Kirk's in-depth knowledge of how the body works and moves, coupled with his own bodybuilding training, allows him to excel in improving all aspects of fitness with people from beginners to athletes.
Kirk’s hobbies are Cricket and Golf and has a slight obsession with his dog Miley.
Niche: Sport Specific, Muscle Gain, Mobility & Functional Movements
Katie Mason
Co-Owner/Qualified Personal Trainer
Katie became Co-owner of Brock Fitness in 2021, after taking the leap from her teaching career. She has a successful background as a Group Fitness Instructor and over 10 years of experience training, alongside a more recent passion of running.
Katie has a deep understanding and expertise in mobility, imbalances, muscle engagement and movement cues. She works closely with her clients to build a strong foundation from the ground up, through proper technique and progressive challenges, leading to long-term results.
Katie enjoys coffee dates, walks with her dog Miley and is a sucker for Country Music.
Niche: Beginners, Fat Loss, Muscle Gain, Mobility & Movement